Want to know more about the district's proposed bond? Join the Facebook Live Q&A Wednesday 10/14/20 from 6:00 to 6:30 PM. Tune into the district Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/PilotRockSchoolDistrict with your questions ready.
Character Trait for the week of 10/12 - 10/15 "FORGIVENESS"
The act of forgiveness starts with you.
Triple P (Positive Parenting Programs) has two upcoming free workshops for the month of October.
Oct. 15: Interrupting and Language
Oct. 30: Dealing wit Disobedience
Check out our Wellness Page (Health and Wellness) for additional information. Both sessions are FREE
BOND FACT: If the proposed bond is passed for $8 million, the district will be awarded a matching grant of $4 million from the state, for a total of $12 million for proposed projects.
"A" Schedule 7:30-8:00 Teacher Office Hours, 8:00-9:00 Period 1, 9:05-10:05 Period 2, 10:10-11:10 Period 3, 11:15-11:45 Advisory, 11:50-12:20 Period 7, 12:20-12:50 Lunch, 12:50-1:30 Teacher Office Hours, 1:30-3:30 Limited In-Person Instruction, 3:30-4:00 Teacher Office Hours
Wednesday 10/7/20 - NEW Limited In-Person Schedule "A" Schedule, Athletic Practice 4:00 Football Field, Bond Walkthrough 4:00-6:00
The month of October is Anti-Bullying month! Pilot Rock School District believes strongly that All kids should feel safe at school and in their communities. Check out our Wellness page and find out more about Safe Oregon and a tool you can use to report anonymously in regards to safety threats or potential acts of violence and any type of bullying.
The district is seeking input about the proposed bond on the November ballot. Please take the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/D2CLGFL
Character Trait for the week of 10/5 - 10/8 HONESTY
The longer you live in a state of Honesty, the easier it becomes to simply exist there all the time.
If you want to vote in the November 3, 2020 election and are not registered, the last day to register to vote is 10/13. You can REGISTER ONLINE at this link: https://sos.oregon.gov/voting/Pages/registration.aspx...
REMINDER: Tonight is the Facebook Live Q&A about the proposed district bond. Wednesday 9/30/20 from 6:00 to 6:30 PM. on the district Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/PilotRockSchoolDistrict with your questions ready.
Straightline Architecture produced this video about proposed bond projects that would be financed if the Pilot Rock School District's proposed General Obligation bond passes in November: https://youtu.be/EQCWWJJWMBk
Want to know more about the district's proposed bond? Join the Facebook Live Q&A Wednesday 9/30/20 from 6:00 to 6:30 PM. Tune into the district Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/PilotRockSchoolDistrict with your questions ready.
The district is gearing up to provide Limited in-person instruction to some Pilot Rock students in October. Please read the Letter to Families: https://5il.co/lceu
Straightline Architecture produced this video about proposed bond projects that would be financed if the Pilot Rock School District's proposed General Obligation bond passes in November:
Pilot Rock Fire Department would like to thank the following students and community members for washing fire trucks after firefighters worked several hours on local fires.. Anthony Fitzgerald, Skylar Jeffers, JT Nelson, Caden Thornton, Toad Johnson, Tom Fitzgerald, Gary Muth, Anna Headley, Brogan Evins, James Lunzmann, Luke Fitzgerald, Leo Fitzgerald, Kashley Golden, Paul Hays, Wesley Stillman, Erica Ankney, Ty Dick, Austin Drake, Will Brown, Tysen Fuhrman, Kyle Miller, Jason Gibbs, Dennis Moffit, Marge Moffit and Chase Corwin.
If the proposed bond is passed, it will finance school safety projects including:
Secure main entries
Exterior door access controls
PA systems
ADA upgrades
The District is sharing some architectural renderings and details for the proposed bond projects:
Jr/Sr High School Plan Poster: https://5il.co/l6ij
Elementary School Plan Poster: https://5il.co/l6il
The School Board has placed a proposed Bond Measure on the November ballot. If it passes, it would finance school safety and deferred maintenance projects. Learn more here: https://www.pilotrock.k12.or.us/o/prsd/page/2020-district-bond-information
Are you registered to vote? You can REGISTER ONLINE at this link: https://sos.oregon.gov/voting/Pages/registration.aspx?lang=en