Meet our 🚜 Vice President 🚜

Mady Moffit! 

The vice president is stationed by the plow.

The plow is the symbol of labor and tillage of the soil. Without labor, neither knowledge nor wisdom can accomplish much. Her duties require her to assist at all times in directing the work of our organization. She preside over meetings in the absence of our president, whose place is beneath the rising sun.

Mady exhibits all of these duties and more in her FFA role. Look at some of her favorite FFA moments below:

FFA Memory: "My favorite FFA memory has to be all the bus rides to competitions, camps, and all the other fun activities we participated in. I enjoyed laughing with my friends and listening to music while eating Mrs. Weinke’s cookies she always would make for us."

SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience): Market goat for Umatilla County Fair

FFA Activity: My favorite activity is FFA Fun Nights.

FFA Competition: My favorite competition has to be Livestock Judging but i’m hoping to find some new ones this year.

Q: Why did you want to become an officer?

A:  I became an officer to help give our chapter inspiration and help build our ag. program to its very best.

Q: What is one thing you aspire to do this year as an officer?

A: I aspire to set new goals and conquer them with my chapter as well as grow as an individual and better my leadership skills.